Become a Member



The Owen Sound Rotary Club is always looking for new members.  Many of our prospective members have the same questions about our club.  Below is information we believe will be helpful to you in making an informed decision about joining the Owen Sound Rotary Club. 


Have more questions that are not answered here?  The information provided here is just the beginning - we encourage you to feel free to ask any of our current members about their Rotary experiences, the Owen Sound Rotary Club and Rotary International. Watch this brief video to get an idea of What is Rotary?



Our club has a wide variety of activities that we undertake and we encourage our members to help out as often as they can.

· Each spring weekly meetings are moved to Monday evening work nights at Camp Presquille as the camp is opened, cleaned  and fixed up prior to the camping season. 

·  Rotarians also take turns attending to barbeque Sunday dinner at the camp for the summer campers. 

·  A fall clean up is conducted to close the camp for the season.

· Our club undertakes various fundraisers to raise money for Rotary projects and for Camp Presquille.  Our fundraising efforts include the Rotary Attack Challenge, a volleyball tournament, a golf tournament, Wednesday classic car cruise nights, Wheels and Wings

·  A Board of Directors and several committees oversee all aspects of the club.

·  Our club encourages active involvement with our Rotary Exchange Students, yearly road clean up project, the projects and programs of Rotary International and support for the activities of other area Rotary Clubs.     


Each member receives a periodic invoice from the Owen Sound Rotary Club.  Each member pays for all weekly meals whether they are present at the meal or not as this covers our minimum for room rental.  Membership dues and Foundation dues are also paid. Membership dues support the efforts of the local Owen Sound Rotary Club.  100% of all Foundation dues are used for Foundation grants and programs around the world including: the eradication of polio; scholarship, exchange, literacy and education programs; various other programs directed at health, humanity, alleviation of poverty, and disaster recovery.

The costs of meals and dues change periodically.  Currently our costs are approximately:

$17.00 per noon meal, and $ 26 per pub night

$130.00 per year for Membership dues, and

$104.00 per year for Foundation dues (includes The Rotarian monthly magazine)

About  $1000.00 each year is a rough estimate of the current cost of belonging to the Owen Sound Rotary Club (this includes the cost of one meal per week).



Members are encouraged to get involved and contribute to a project making the most of the their skillset and strengths. Leadership training and opportunities for growth exist within the Rotary framework also.
Meetings are held each Monday at 12:10 pm to 1:10 pm at the Best Western Inn on the Bay. 
Our meeting time changes occasionally when we have Pub/social nights.  On these special occasions your spouse/significant other is encouraged to attend with you. 

For further membership inquires please contact: